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Opinion pieces

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04.11.24  The Circular Economy Outcome Metric

The wider implementation of better circular economy practices in property development is hindered by the absence of consensus on a single metric for clients to use in project briefs. This Opinion Piece serves to help the convergence to such a metric, by proposing the Circular Economy Outcome Metric, which is a method and metric to report on the circularity credentials of property development.


→  Download the Circular Economy Outcome Metric Opinion Piece

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20.02.23  Operational Carbon in Whole Life Carbon Assessments

As industry becomes more familiar with embodied and whole life carbon assessments, operational energy is more regularly converted to operational carbon within a whole life carbon approach.  This LETI Opinion Piece proposes a methodology for the conversion of operational energy into operational carbon, for the purpose of making design decisions. This methodology aims to provide a basis for further analysis and discussion.


→  Download the Operational Carbon in WLC Assessments Opinion Piece

→  Download the Operational Carbon in WLC Assessments Opinion Piece with Appendices

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16.12.21  Circular economy & carbon in construction

Reducing whole life carbon (WLC) and upfront and operational carbon, and supporting a circular economy (CE) are recognised as key considerations for the design, construction and operation of buildings. This Opinion Piece shines a light on the interconnectedness of the two concepts of CE and reducing upfront and WLC emissions and highlights interrelated issues, synergies and challenges when trying to meet the requirements of both. This exploratory document is not intended to provide definitive solutions but rather provide a basis for discussion and development of further guidance.


→  Download the Circular Economy & Carbon in Construction Opinion Piece

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LETI Opinion Pieces_Whole life carbon - Separate or combined targets?

01.12.20  Whole life carbon - Separate or combined targets?

We need to consider carbon emissions of the whole life cycle to make sure we are designing, constructing and operating buildings that have low carbon emissions. One approach might be a whole life carbon target in kgCO2e/m2, the other would be to adopt separate, granular targets for Operational Energy and Embodied Carbon. The latter is consistent with the current LETI targets. This paper outlines both of these viewpoints. Firstly, the case for adopting separate metrics for the targets is made. The case for a combined target follows in the second section.


→  Download the Whole Life Carbon- Separate or Combined Targets Opinion Piece

PLEASE NOTE: LETI graphics in these publications can be used by others in print or online. However, if graphics are used please do provide a photo/ image credit to LETI. In doing so, you help further the reach of LETI's work and help facilitate the transition to a zero carbon future.   

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