LETI 2020 Workstreams
This page summaries our 2020 workstreams. Click here for our 2021 Workstreams.
Since we published our Climate Emergency Design Guide at the start of the year, LETI have developed workstreams for 2020 which will allow us to collaboratively develop and refine the work we have already produced. In addition, we are looking to focus on new topics. Much of our work last year focused on new buildings and this year we are hoping to explore Retrofit and define standards for good, rather than less bad. How to define briefs for projects which will meet our climate change targets will also be part of our work this year.
What does net zero retrofit look like and how far can we realistically go? What policy/financial incentives does that mean we might need?
Embodied Carbon
Refining targets and methods, creating an embodied zero carbon one pager, collating case studies and much more!
Part L
Continuing our residential Part L campaign, and responding to the non-residential consultation. To find out more about our LETI response, please see our Part L page.
Client Guide
Creating a guide for developers on setting briefs for buildings that meet our climate targets. Update: now complete! Read the LETI Client Guide here.
Myth or reality? Publishing a short discussion paper.
Development Industry Forum
Convening key stakeholders in the development industry in an forum to provide knowledge sharing, key feedback and identify barriers to implementation
Local Authority Guides
Creating specific guidance for Local Authorities on built environment policy to meet our climate change targets. Sign up if you are part of a local authority or if you are a consultant.
Modelling (how do we do it)
Publishing a guide on what design stage modelling needs to be undertaken so that buildings meet the LETI EUI targets in-use.
Design Guide Typologies
Adding more typologies into the Climate Emergency Design Guide, for example masterplans and hospitals.
Demand response and energy storage KPI’s
Developing guidance on Demand response and energy storage, focusing on creating KPIs for industry to use.
2020 Workstreams
→ Retrofit
→ Embodied Carbon
→ Part L
→ Clients' Guide
→ Hydrogen: Myth or Reality
→ Development Industry Forum
→ Local Authority Guides
→ Modelling (how do we do it?)
→ Design Guide Typologies
→ Demand Response