Industry experts, across the value chain, have offered LETI an insight into their thoughts and views on embodied carbon and how this is being managed through procurement. Supporting LETI guidance will be published this year, but if you would like a preview of the findings, please view our 2020 Specification & Procurement Survey analysis.
LETI has been consulting with industry groups, including RIBA, IStructE, the Whole Life Carbon Network and more, to help resolve inconsistencies on the path to net zero. LETI has launched a suite of 4 documents that should be read together, along with the net zero operational one pager, to understand operational, embodied and Whole Life Carbon and how to achieve a net zero.
08.04.21 LETI Workstreams Update 2021: Monday 19th April
Join us for a free online webinar to hear more about our 2021 LETI activities, with key updates from workstream volunteers. This is a brilliant opportunity for the wider network to get up to speed with LETI's current actions as well as those interested in finding out more about what various workstreams do. We look forward to sharing our latest activities with you!
24.03.21 Future Building Standard Consultation
The Future Building Standard consultation, covering topics relating to Part L, Part F the Future Homes Standard and the Future Buildings Standard. Consultation responses are due 13th of April. A number of important principles which are key to reducing the carbon emissions of buildings still have not found their way to proposed new standards, so we have prepared a ‘How to Guide’ in response. This simple and short guide outlines our emerging Key Messages and explains how to respond to the consultation quickly and easily.
08.03.21 PART L Consultation 2020 - Were LETI listened to?
A huge thank you to everyone that contributed to the Part L consultation last year. A few weeks ago MHCLG released a response to this consultation. The great news is that FEES ( Fabric energy efficiency standard) is being kept and local authorities will keep their rights to set higher targets. A further positive outcome is that because of the impact of the last consultation, LETI will be engaging with government as part of the consultation process over the coming weeks. Download the full update below to see the LETI asks, and if things were changed as part of the Part L 2020 consultation response.
10.02.21 LETI launches new paper: 'Hydrogen: A decarbonisation route for heat in buildings?'
Hydrogen as a means to deliver energy is often touted as a viable solution to assist in meeting the UK’s net zero carbon target. This has a major influence on the need, or otherwise, to enhance new-build energy efficiency and the energy retrofit of our existing stock. Why enhance our buildings if the current use of natural gas can be simply switched to zero-carbon hydrogen? In this short discussion paper, LETI have sought to investigate this further, examining to what extent hydrogen is likely to be used.
27.01.21 LETI celebrates 1 year anniversary of CEDG & ECP publication
Today marks the 1 year Anniversary of the Climate Emergency Design Guide and Embodied Carbon Primer publication! It has been a very successful and positive year, and it would not have been possible without the amazing volunteers at LETI. Their knowledge, dedication and teamwork has been invaluable, proving that working together on neutral ground can create an incredible force for good.
→ Read the full article here
06.05.20 LETI 2020 Workstreams
Following on from a busy 2019, this year LETI is looking to continue and develop the work presented in our Climate Emergency Design Guide. In addition, we are hoping to focus on new areas and our 2020 workstreams will address a range of topics.
27.01.20 Climate Emergency Design Guide
We've launched our Climate Emergency Design Guide, which sets out the approach, targets and benchmarks that developments in the UK need to achieve to reach Net Zero in operation. This means that the developers, consultants and policy officers in the UK will have a reference point to define what their developments should achieve to ensure our climate change targets are met.
This is required, as LETI believes that by 2030 100% of all new buildings will need to operate at Net Zero, which means that by 2025 100% of all buildings must be designed to Net Zero. This will give 5 years to sense check, refine and validate this approach.
Supplementary guidance to the guide is provided in our Embodied Carbon Primer.
16.12.19 Net Zero Operational Carbon - One Pager
2019 has been a watershed year. The climate emergency is now acknowledged and there is widespread support for an acceleration of the transition to Net Zero Carbon.
Industry consensus has been established on the key features of Net Zero Operational Carbon buildings. This new 1-page summary was launched by the London Energy Transformation Initiative (LETI) on 16.12.19 at Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios. This document was developed in collaboration with UKGBC and Better Buildings Partnership.
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