Future Homes Standard Consultation
Future Homes and Buildings Standard consultation
More than three years has now passed since the Part L 2021 consultation. The Government's decision to ban fossil fuel based energy is evidence that responding to this previous consultation was worth the amazing collective effort.
The government have now released the Future Homes and Buildings Standards: 2023 consultation covering Part L (conservation of fuel and power), Part F (ventilation) and Part O (overheating). In addition there are supporting consultations on the Home Energy Model: replacement for the Standard Assessment Procedure and Home Energy Model: Future Homes Standard assessment.
While we welcome an end to the use of fossil fuels, we believe these proposed changes do not go far enough. We are shocked at the addition of a loop-hole that would enable local authorities to allow new buildings to opt-out of achieving minimum Part L performance requirements. We are also disappointed by the continued use of carbon emission and primary energy metrics; avoidance of accounting for unregulated energy; and the use of a notional building methodology.
If the proposals are enacted in their current state, we will be creating a generation of inefficient buildings that are not creating the resilient, equitable country that we deserve.
LETI's response to the Future Homes Standard Consultation is ready! Now, we need your help to make our voices heard and meet our climate commitments!
Watch Now! LETI Key messaging webinar

LETI key messaging
To ensure ALL new buildings meet Net Zero Carbon, the Future Homes Standard (FHS) and Future Buildings Standard (FBS) need to become the legislative drivers for this. There are number of items which need to be amended for those regulations to become such drivers, summarised in the following key messages:

LETI Response (.pdf)
LETI Evidence Base (.pdf)
LETI TOOLKIT: How to Respond to the consultation (.pdf)
18 key questions document (.pdf)
Help us share our messages (.pdf)
Councillor briefing note (.pdf)
Cost uplift evidence spreadsheet (.xlsx)
How to Respond
LETI has prepared a number of open source materials based on detailed technical evidence meticulously collected amongst industry stakeholders for over 5 years to help you in formulating your response to the consultation.
We urge anyone concerned about the building industry's impact on climate change to participate in this Government consultation and share their views. Please submit your response to the consultation by Wednesday 6th March.
→ If you have less than 5 mins
As an organisation, sign the support letter addressed to DLUHC & DESNZ which LETI have collectively drafted with likeminded networks.
Share LETI key messages to your network and on social media, don’t forget to tag LETI in and use the following hashtags #LETIkeymessaging & #FHSresponse to maximise your impact
Donate to LETI, whilst we are run by volunteers your financial support is incredibly important to fund our publications, help us have more impact and plan more ambitiously for the future.
→ If you have less than 10 mins
Use the LETI TOOLKIT - How to respond to the consultation document, which outlines the key questions that LETI think are the most important, and how to formulate a quick response that focuses on key issues.
→ If you have more time
Complete a full consultation response and submit your own supporting evidence. DLUHC have told us that the most impactful way of responding is to submit evidence and we encourage you to submit your own evidence. LETI are developing evidence on the following topics, if you have anything you would particularly like to share with us, then please email us on consultations@leti.uk ​
Cost impact assessment and/or Viability
Heat networks
→ If you are a local authority
Use the LETI - Councillor briefing note document which would help you gather support from your members - here